We arrived in Cape Town on Friday to load the box libraies, stationary, sports equipment and other resources. It was 4.45am start Saturday morning so a very tame night was in order. Thankfully the alarm did its job and by 5am we were on the road.
Today our team, 3, has four schools to deliver to rather than the 2 I'd been accustomed to. It was going to be a busy day. The weather wasn't great as we sorted ourselves into teams... it was very overcast with showers forecast. The roads were going to be a mixture of tarmac and dirt so the 4 wheel drive vehicles supplied by McCarthy are a necessity.
We joined with our team members to discuss the route to our first school.... It was about an hours drive towards Calendon... Mandi our team leader had organised drinks and our lunch packs which were distributed amongst us.... this time we also had walkie talkies.... enabling us to keep in touch with other members in our convoy and relay directions etc...
we were told that in no circumstances must we abuse the walkie talkie system... taking the mickey out of others driving or others making wrong turns was defiantly not allowed!!!
A quick check on the number of vehicles 9 in total confirmed we were all together and ready to hit the road to our first school of the day.
The Rally to Read project was implemented by READ in 14 primary schools in the Western Cape and entered its 3rd and final year in 2010/2011. It impacted 14 schools with 90 teachers.
Most teachers and learners have benefited tremendously from the Rally to Read resources and the feedback reports received from some of the schools support this observation. They are very appreciative of the training and support that they have received. Learners in most classes have easy access to books and can often be seen reading independently once their work has been completed and they have a few free minutes. Teachers make use of the Teacher's Guide and the Learner Workbooks and are applying the methodologies. Teachers understand the value of their word walls and utilize them daily, they have print rich classes and have a special place for their Rally books to be stored and displayed.
The Rally project has been extremely rewarding as the trainer has seen children growing in confidence and thrilled to read to her to show their ability. One little girl in Gr 4 in Zoar, only wants to speak English now that she is more comfortable with the language. She also only takes out English books from the mobile library and reads exceptionally well for her age.
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