I Am An Eagle.... And Not A Chicken!

Following on from our introductions we are given a performance of a dance all about the pitfalls of getting pregnant early on in life. The boys stuff jumpers up their shirts to gain the effect. As they stomped around in their wellies the jumpers began to fall out one by one, not sure if it was meant to happen but it was hilariuos.

Thabo from READ tells the crowd  exactly what equipment is being delivered and explains the importance of looking after the equipment especially the books.  He tells the young students that they will be able to learn and grow and belive in their dreams... He explains " you are not a chicken.... you are an eagle... the sky is your limit" hes a great oak as they say around here and hes passionate about the education of South Africas future.

 Frikkie our team leader presents Rally To Read's certificate and pledge of ongoing support for the next three years.

After the official pic's are done with we watch the children perform a musical show, the interlude includes an improptue guest spot by Thabo... He can boogie!

 Frikkie is presented with a gift and a big hug before we leave.

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