Punctures -O _-

Forward about 15km before another one of our vehicles had a puncture.....

This time it wasn’t too bad as the spare was a proper replacement. Plus the fact we were now getting pretty quick at our impromptu pit stops and tyre changes. 

The tyre had been completely shredded this time and our audience of local children took delight in watching the R2R pit crew go to work on fixing the replacement. 

All set, we continued onto our destination, about a further 4km. About 3 minutes passed until unbelievable, another puncture happened on the same vehicle. Nightmare!

With the spare gone and time ticking we ditched the vehicle and transferred the contents to another. Daylight hours are very short here in winter time. Its usually dark by five o'clock and you dont want to be driving up mountains in convoy by moonlight.

By hook or by crook we were going to get there..........   but heck these roads are cruel.

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